Alexandra Sonnemans
Schiekade 189 - 403
3013 BR Rotterdam


Selected Work

website under construction
Designing for the Endgame / in view of the 9th edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam

This book about designing in times of climate crisis is the final project of the 9th IABR edition 'DOWN TO EARTH'. It reflects (on) the IABR as an agenda-setting cultural research institute aimed at real transformative change, and contains results of the IABR-Ateliers – research by design on how the ENERGY transition and the WATER task can be used as leverage to find concrete solutions to urgent societal issues) – a retrospect of the seven realised exhibitions and a series of essays, by a.o. George Brugmans (chief curator and former IABR director), Dirk Sijmons (professor landscape architecture) and the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design. 

October 2023
Type: Publication | Editorial
Editors: George Brugmans (senior editor), Noortje Weenink, Alexandra Sonnemans
Graphic Design: Loes Claessens, Roosje Klap, ARK
Translation and text editing: InOtherWords translation & editing
Publisher: IABR, nai010publishers
Lithography and printing: Zwaan Lenoir
Supported by: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Provincie Oost Vlaanderen, Gemeente Rotterdam, Gemeente Dordrecht
Languages: English, Dutch
ISBN: 978-94-6208-802-3

Photo Rick Keus