Alexandra Sonnemans
Architect | Reflections & Actions
Architect | Reflections & Actions
Evidence of the Absent
“How much do we actually need to imagine something? To complete a whole image from fragments? Where lies the fine balance between abstraction and detail – demonstration and imagination? How do present and future - existing and new - relate (collide, coincide) on-site?”
Experimental, interdiscplinary research project on architectural representation on-site, the scale 1:1, and the suggestion of space – on physical experience and imagination in architecture.
Within the city in transformation we find a wide range of real-scale representations, simulations and projections, that are used to (publicly) announce and debate future developments on-site. They are temporary - tangible - infrastructures, that appear on-site when the process of design is done and the first step towards building starts. Some of these real-scale outlines or moulds don’t reveal the whole appearance of the development to come, they only suggest it by giving a material presence to one certain aspect, e.g. materiality, surface, contour. Balancing between visible and invisible, they become a new experiential dimension of architecture in which we can recognise, imagine and create multiple interpretations of the new whole and to imagine its potential impact within the existing environment.
Developed, shared and presented through a curated public program of eight public events with exhibitions, site-specific installations, five round table sessions and dialogues with five invited guests from different disciplines and cities in Europe.
Type: Research | One-year architecture residency
Location: Kulturfolger Zürich | Zürich & various European cities
When: 2019
Project by: rotative studio (Alexandra Sonnemans & Caterina Viguera)
Invited Guests: Pavle Stamenovic (architect PhD, Belgrade), Emma Hoette (dancer, London), Ravian van den Hil (performance curator, Rotterdam), Elettra Carnelli (architect, Zürich), Ramon Landolt, and David Meier (musicians, Zürich)