Conditions for Growth / Ministry of Make
The Ministry of Make, a ‘platform for the radical transformation of the Netherlands’, addressed the Dutch housing crisis and challenged 100 designers and experts to (collectively) come up with solutions on how to create the required one million houses, while simultaneously considering the other (societal) challenges we are facing, such as the energy transition and the changing climate. All proposals were exhibited at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, together with a letter by the former Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade.
Our case of study was the town Margraten and its surroundings, in the southern region Zuid-Limburg.
With our proposal we add a total of 5000 units, which is half of the amount of what was requested. We consider this a realistic, sustainable approach: not expanding but densifying within the existing boundaries, with a diversity of (new) typologies and common spaces, valorising and preserving the existing landscape and built environment, with Margraten as an exemplary case for similar towns in the Netherlands.
September 22 - November 13, 2022
Type: Proposal, Research, Exhibition
By: rotative studio (Alexandra Sonnemans & Caterina Viguera)
Proposal within the received ‘test kit’, a box of 1x1mExhibition of all 101 proposals at 10th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. Photo by Paul Swagerman